Offerings from Jen Fleming RMT
Brave Bridges Trauma Informed Massage Therapy
These sessions are for people recovering from trauma or living with anxiety who may need extra support to feel safe and secure in a massage therapy session. Treatment plans are built collaboratively with your needs and concerns at the heart of what we do and can play an adjunctive role in trauma-recovery plans. Consult with your psychotherapist to determine fit for massage therapy.
Massage Therapy for Wellness
Massage therapy to relieve common problems such as headache, neck, back and shoulder pain, or to relieve muscle tension related to stress. Massage therapy can help decrease muscle tension and relieve related pain as part of your self-care plan. Less pain and tension can mean more mobility and better rest and sleep at night.
Massage Therapy for TMJD
Jaw clenching is a common issue for people living with anxiety, depression, or trauma. The tension in the muscles of the jaw can lead to jaw pain, facial pain and headaches. TMJ massage can be performed inside and outside of the mouth to relieve muscle tension, improve mobility, and decrease pain. People dealing with hypomobile, stiff jaws can see improvements in jaw comfort and mobility.
Appointments & Rates
Initial Visit 75 minutes................................ $140
90 minutes follow up................................ $160
75 minutes follow up................................ $140
60 minutes follow up................................ $120
45 minutes follow up................................. $ 95
30 minutes follow up.................................. $70