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Hi! I'm Jen...

 ...and I am so glad you're here. As a fellow traveler on the road to recovery I know how hard it can be to feel anxious every day (and night) and still do the things that need to be done. I know how it is to wear your body like armour, always vigilant and waiting for the next bad thing. Jaw tension and pain, headaches, stomach pains, constant muscle tension and never feeling like you can quite relax can be so draining.

A photo of Jen Fleming RMT, she is outside, has long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and is smiling.

I get it.

Sometimes you just want to lay down and have a rest, take a minute to just breathe and maybe, just maybe, unwind a little, even just a tiny bit.


For the last 7 years I have been studying trauma, anxiety, depression, and the things we need to live well while coping with what can feel unbearable. For the last 10 years I have been engaged in my own recovery. For the last 14 I have been providing care as a massage therapist to the weary and beleaguered. And for all of my almost 40 years on this Earth I have been keeping on with keeping on despite it all.


I really am glad you're here. May we journey together to something better.


For 14 years my vision has been to provide a space where anxious people can feel safe enough to let go... just a little. To find a moment of peace and reconnect with themselves. Anxiety and trauma build tension in our bodies and this tension can lead to headaches, stiffness and pain. Together we can find ease, softness, and peace. We can learn to feel good about touch and we can learn to find our way to relaxation and rest.

Jen Fleming RMT gazing out over Cootes Paradise in Hamilton Ontario at sunset. Colours are blues, pinks, and lavenders in the sky and reflected in the water.
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