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Woman struggling with anxiety looking out the window

Massage Therapy in Hamilton, Ontario to relieve tension and pain for stressed and anxious people


My name is Jen and I love working with people living with anxiety, depression and stress or who are recovering from trauma. Why? Because me too, friend. Me too.


Those sweaty, frustrating, sleepless nights, jaw tension from clenching, and a constant feeling of being ready to spring are as familiar to me as my own hands.


I got you. Come and find some breathing room. We can do this together.

Jen Fleming RMT smiling outside smiling in a red hat and grey t shirt

Why choose Jen?

Sensitive and nonjudgemental massage therapy for people living with anxiety and trauma.


Practicing massage therapy since 2009, 4 years in trauma-informed care. 10 years in trauma recovery, 30+ years living with anxiety. Trust me, I know what it's like.

Tailored to you treatment

Your first session is all about learning what you like, what you don't like, and how I can best support you. Future sessions are based on what we learn in previous ones.

Direct Billing

Direct billing to select insurance plans. Get in touch to find out if your insurance company is on the list! 

No Tipping

I do not take tips! I'd much rather you tell your friends, family, and all of the internet about me instead. Share the love!

Online Booking

Book your appointments conveniently online using Jane App. 

No Chit Chat

Treatment time is your time. I don't need to be entertained while you're on the table. You are free to tune in to your body, your thoughts, your feelings.


Imagine being able to have a massage without fear of judgement. Imagine feeling safe enough to rest, let down your guard a bit, and receive some TLC. Imagine letting some of that head, neck and jaw tension go. Imagine feeling just 1% more ease in your body. Imagine breathing with your whole chest.

Trauma-informed massage therapy is a patient lead, non-judgemental touch-based therapy. As part of a comprehensive, multimodal, recovery plan it can facilitate a happier, healthier, more compassionate relationship to your body. Together we can help you find peace in your bones.

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